
Students are often focused on education so much so that they hardly get time to invest in their overall development. The educational system today doesn’t give students the opportunity to even go for after-school activities because they have a lot of workload from school in terms of assignments and home works. However, today more than ever before the after-school time holds a lot of importance in a child’s life. The global competition demands students to be all rounders and over-achievers in every possible stream of expertise. Here is a list of  after-school activities you can do to keep up with your non-education schedule:



One of the biggest activities/learning to consider is to opt for personality development classes. Today it’s extremely easy to keep up with the academics and score well but an add on would be to have an exuberant vibrant personality that sets a mark and makes an instant loving impression in a crowd. Personality plays a crucial role in creating a brighter future for the students.  


Follow your passion and start coaching for your favourite sport. This way you will have a physical activity scheduled for the day and will surely be able to lead a mentally and physically healthier life. In addition to this you might end up adding fuel to your passion making it an opportunity to create a career out of the same. A smart decision and the best tip is to start your sports coaching today.


Gaining knowledge the entire day with different aspects of varied subjects makes your mind tired. A peaceful retreat to your mind would be an art class of say pottery, painting, dancing or singing. This way you will fuel your creativity and create art within your body embracing your soul. Creativity will also give you the liberty to think smart, act sharp & create space for additional learning. Art is a man’s best friend, utilising your time in the same will make you a 10 times better person as an individual as well. You think better, speak better & work better with art. 


Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics [STEM] is a prodigy program that will help students get an intellectual idea of every subject and how it keeps them in terms with the overall idea of effective learning. If you are inclined towards learning the errades of science & technology and looking forward to a career in the same field and consider it fun, it’s better to join hands with an effective STEM training program to learn better and create a path for your future in the education 

field of science & technology. 


It is a fine idea to take a break at times. When it comes to after school, you can opt to go for a retreat, a break from the daily routine of school and home. A fun loving trip or a walk or some fun in the park with no purpose but peace is just something you need in the times of heavy workload at school and stress from exams. It’s always better to take breaks every now & then to avoid burden and balance out the extra efforts you put into your studies. Prioritise your mental health and take it slow. 

Now that we have listed down the different things you can do after school, get yourself prepared to run an extra mile to get the list done. Nalanda school, the best school in Hyderabad has a variety of non-academic activities for students that aid their overall development. Opt for the right column that suits your choices & preferences and seek the ability to create a mark in the world.