
Essay writing is one of the most effective ways to improve your writing and creative skills. Students must always focus on writing creative essays that will intrigue their thought processes and give them an overall outlook on how to write what they think. Essay writing also helps students create stories and gain a deeper understanding and realistic perspective of life. The best part about writing an essay is that it helps students understand the language and its grammar better. But essay writing can be tricky, so how do you start writing a good essay? Don’t worry; we will give you a thorough guide on essay writing. Let’s get into the details. 

Tips on how to write an autobiographical essay

The essay is divided into three parts: introduction, body and conclusion. Ensure you have a theme or purpose before writing your essay. It should be divided neatly into 3 parts – the first must have an establishment, the second must have the details, and the third must have a conclusive statement that configures the overall moral or theme of the essay.  


The introduction paragraph will be a very crucial element of the essay as it is the deciding factor. Based on your introduction, people decide whether to read further or leave the essay half-read. Therefore, the introduction must contain all the necessary elements, like creating suspense, introducing the essay’s character or storyline/theme, and building interest for the entire article.  

For example [Essay on Autobiography of a Tree]

The cold breeze makes me shiver, but I wonder if a romanticizing poet writes it as a dance move I make. I can’t dance, but my shiver can be taken from that perspective. You may be wondering who I am. My name is Breezy; I am the Banyan tree near the old temple in the city’s heart. This is my life story; welcome to my blog. I hope it finds you well someday. Anyways….


This part of the message is the most important one. In the body section, you discuss in detail the story of the content you are willing to share. The entire proceedings, happenings and actions are supposed to be written in complete detail with the classification of the 5W’s [who, whom, why, which, where] and 1H [how]. Create a voluntary step-wise construction of all the different dimensions of the information you want to showcase. 

For example [Essay on Autobiography of a Tree]

My life has been very happening for the 298 years I have lived for. Yes, approximately that long; I have seen a lot in this temple. You may think of me as a watchman, a well-wisher, a toy for kids and a souvenir for people in love with trees. It’s tiring to keep up with these responsibilities when I am already so old. Why exactly will I keep up with people’s baggage? Nobody listens to mine, though. Do you know what I have been going through with the increasing heavy rains this season? My arms are weak, and my hair cannot handle the weight of your mistakes. Oh, you are surprised? But these are your mistakes of overusing technology and creating problems for my brothers – air, water, atmosphere, soil and sky. They have been in bad condition, too, and the side effects are creating a venomous monster – global warming. 

The Conclusion

The conclusion, as the name suggests, is supposed to include the final statements at the end of the story. What causes have you written, and why is it important for people to know? You can also mention how to prevent it, what it’s compelling and what people must learn from your essay. If you are progressing with a story as an essay, then end the story with a conclusion. 

For example [Essay on Autobiography of a Tree]

Please make fewer mistakes and save me from dying this soon. I want to live and withhold your love for me. 


That’s it; it’s that simple to create a fantastic essay and get your hands on the best of your writing skills to enhance your writing and creativity. Nalanda School brings the best in your creativity by giving you favourably unique ways to cater to your language and writing skills.