
Game-based learning

Game based learning plays an prominent role in today’s educational world. Education has come a long way from where it initially began.

Today learning has broken the legacy of abiding by books to understand concepts and initiate the idea of learning in a realistic workspace. With the emerging technological advancement and the globalization of education, learning has become more than just schools. Psychology has advanced in understanding different minds and their capacities to grasp information. Importance of outdoor play in early childhood development.

They have discovered that there are better ways to gain knowledge than traditional learning. One must also have other terrains of learning opportunities and methodologies to build their knowledge. Education may be more than education. One such innovative learning technique is learning games for kids. Does it sound confusing? Don’t worry. We will break it down for your understanding.

Learning games for kids:

Games are a wider variety of tasks, and surprisingly, many of them help students learn. When we talk about early childhood learning, games are crucial in making the kids understand different life lessons and sharpen their skills. Let us talk about the importance of learning the game that might aid kids.

Benefits of learning activities:


One of the most significant advantages of learning through games is that it increases the child’s problem-solving abilities.

For example: Chess is a game of attack and defence. Children who tend to learn chess make better and more calculative decisions by building their skills from the basis of the game chess. Similarly, students equipped with critical games like cards also have a better understanding of their decisions and how they might have a chance of positive and negative impacts.  

Critical thinking:

Again decision-making and critical thinking go hand in hand for students. Playing games like basketball and football will help them with critical thinking, focusing on a strategy, and aiming towards their goals. This way, they even learn to decide under pressure and come up with tackling techniques to win the game. 

Situational learning:

A game is only sometimes a win-win situation. Learning through games gives them an upper hand in focusing on the present and amending their ideas according to the problem.

For example: In cricket, a strategy decided before going to the field can be amended according to the opposition if the concept doesn’t work in the team’s favour. The students learn to transform any situation or problem into a probable solution. This is one of the benefits of game-based learning.

Memory Capacity:

Another significant benefit of collaborative learning is that it teaches memory-building skills and enhances the capacity of their minds. Memory games like sudoku that we find in our daily newspapers and a definite must-play for kids to understand the number game and add to their memory, making it sharper, more intelligent and better. 


This is one undeniable fact that games are an add-on to your skills. You learn socialising, listening, understanding, compatibility and adjustment. Skills are more important than the education we formally receive from our traditional schools.

These days schools have an effective curriculum to teach these intense learning methodologies and reach new standards of education. These games build skills in students that otherwise wouldn’t have been easy to learn.

Through games, students are motivated and excited to understand better and show a keen interest in the process of learning. Learning becomes effortlessly happy with gaming being involved. 

As discussed above, these points clearly explain the benefits of game based learning and how these learning game development strategies bring a positive change in the education system of India. Nalanda Educational Institute brings in the best educational curriculum to teach new learning methods and create a good learning space for students.