Gone are the days when studying and learning was restricted to books and schools. Education today has broken all the barriers of traditional schooling and spread across the terrains of multi disciplines. The best of knowledge is gained outside the classroom in the field with practical learning methodologies. With change in the system of learning, the scope of knowledge is not restricted and this way the students have an opportunity to start on with their learning outside the four walls of the classrooms. The best way of parenting is to understand the dynamics of education today and help the children adapt to these changes to stay up to date with their tactics of learning. Did you know that the outdoors play a crucial role in early childhood development? Here are a few advantages of outdoor play in early childhood development.
Advantages of outdoor play in early childhood development:
Increases academic performance:
Students learn better through play directly influencing their academic performance. They perform better with a healthier mind and body that comes handy with outdoor activities. This results in better headspace to learn and aids early childhood development.
A factor for good health:
Playing supports the release of the happy harmones called serotonin, a happy hormone that keeps the nervous system of children intact and multifunctional. This way the students are mentally happy and physically fit making it easier for them to gain knowledge in the right headspace.
Scientific importance:
Physical exercise & outdoor activities are scientifically proven of greater importance of a child’s development. According to researchers a minimum of 3 hours of daily outdoor play is important for a child’s mental & physical growth during their early childhood development.
Improves memory, creativity & imagination:
The right activities during outdoor play facilitates improvement and enhancing of memory, establishing greater creativity and imagination in the young minds. With group activities students learn to evolve their minds and create excellent ideas. It is true that young minds have enormoruos capacities that breakeven the experience of older people. Thus it becomes extremely important to make right use of their childhood by helping them invest their time in the right direction.
Reduces stress levels & improves behaviour:
The daily dose of happy hormones while playing outdoors will keep the children from stress and improve their overall behaviour. Today, children are prone to a lot of stress relating to the competition, the achievements, goals and expectations of their parents. These factors push them to the brim of bad mental health causing stress and anxiety. Taking out some time from an entire day for outdoor play will make it easier for them to release their stress and make them happier.
Learn to socialise & compromise:
Children during outdoor play learn to socialise with their peers and other important qualities crucial to live in the society. They start to communicate with people around them, learn compromising during the game and also start to understand the dynamics of the society. Team games like football and cricket involve interaction, listening and impulsive action skills to accumulate the sport. These outdoor plays help the child in decision making as well as aid in their understanding of the subject at hand, gain the ability to make decisions for themselves & listen to their peers. Listening is another important quality a child learns at early childhood development stages of life.
This brings us to the end of this discussion of inculcating outdoor play as a crucial part of early childhood development learning. Take a step towards understanding the child and helping them through different channels of learning established through this article. Nalanda educational institute brings to you the effective channels and methodologies of learning by inculcating outdoor play as a subject of learning for early childhood development.
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