
1. AIDS SELF-STUDY: There are practice questions and solved questions to help with the solutions to the textbook difficulties. Additionally, there are hints provided for tackling challenging problems to aid pupils in their home study. Textbooks aid students in their independent study of the text.

2. CONVINIENT: Students are free to use textbooks however it is most convenient for them. Textbooks assist students in finishing their schoolwork if they miss it due to an absence from school for whatever cause. A textbook is similar to a home instructor.

3. CRITICAL CONTENT APPROACH: In social studies, students can check their own understanding by revising. Thus, textbooks aid pupils in their own critical revision.

4. MAKES LEARNING EASY: The need and importance of textbooks increases for those extraordinary students who have fallen behind in the class. Despite their slow learning rate, textbooks assist students in moving along the road of learning at an acceptable pace. The class cannot wait for the behind-the-curve kids to catch up, so textbooks assist them in resolving the issue and enabling them to keep up with the group.

5. BASED ON RESEARCH: Textbooks that undergo periodic revisions include the most recent and up-to-date knowledge, ideas, and technologies.

On the basis of the preceding arguments, we can state that textbooks are crucial for social studies instruction for both teachers and students.


The answer for the importance of textbooks is that the extbooks play a crucial role throughout the entire educational system in our country. As mentioned in relation to textbooks:

  • A key to the treasure of wisdom
  • A gate to the land of progress
  • A path leading to knowledge
  • A companion of learning 

Why textbooks are important for students

1. It sets as a base for a structured understanding of the entire syllabus. Textbooks help teachers understand the concept and research on the same to be able to teach efficiently.

2. A text-book simplifies a teacher’s work and makes it useful. Teachers can use it as a guide to limit their understanding according to the student’s learning capacities.

3. A text-book is necessary to make a teacher’s effort in the classroom successful because books can help in good and remedial teaching. The books are subjectively curated for a student’s better understanding of the subject. 

4. A text-book saves on time needed for writing questions and other texts. It is a two in one guide for learning and  testing one’s understanding on the subject as a whole. 

5. A text-book helps students to revise his lessons. It is a cumulative channel to revise and maintain during the entire year with all notes and tests well equipped.  

6. Difficulties associated with contents can be eliminated by text-books because these are well-researched and organised.

7. Teachers get ready-made exercise work from a text-book to test their students and help them analyse the subject well. 

8. Students can solve questions themselves and match their answers with the answer sheets.

9. A text-book contains text material in a logical and psychological sequence, with helps a teacher in effective teaching

10. Text-books help to guide students. Students can use them for revision, class work and home assignments. Text-books help students to note down the summary, important points and views of scholars, etc. in their text-books.

Nalanda school, the best school in Hyderabad understands the importance of textbooks in teaching and learning and provides an elaborate overview of all class textbooks in pdf format to make it accessible and sustainable.